| 1. | Our main products are : stainless steel vacuum bottle vacuum flask and vacuum mug , stainless steel thermos cup thermos flask and thermos bottle , stainless steel sports flask sports bottle , stainless steel office cup bachelor cup , stainless steel cup , stainless steel travel mug travel flask , bullet type vacuum flask vacuum bottle and vacuum mug , stainless steel coffee pot , stainless steel coffee mug , stainless steel hip flask , stainless steel beer mug , stainless steel travel mug auto mug , stainless steel sucker cup sucker bottle , slim vacuum thermos , wide mouth vacuum thermos and stainless steel tea kettle teakettle , etc 公司产品主要包括子弹头不锈钢真空杯子弹头不锈钢保温杯汽车杯不锈钢汽车杯不锈钢咖啡杯不锈钢咖啡壶不锈钢运动壶真空不锈钢旅游壶不锈钢真空旅游壶不锈钢磁化杯不锈钢酒壶不锈钢小酒壶真空学士杯不锈钢学士杯办公杯不锈钢办公杯啤酒杯不锈钢调料罐太空杯礼盒套装等系列产品。产品质量可靠价格合理款式新颖设计人性化,堪称家庭办公室及旅途中的理想用品,畅销世界各地,以“幸福名杯,客户首选”在客户中广为流传,赢得了良好的信誉。 |